Taekwondo vs Karate: Which Martial Arts Style is Better and Why

Taekwondo vs Karate – which do you choose? The majority of people assume they’re the same thing, but there are a few differences that will determine which is better for you and your self-defense goals. We’ll settle this classic debate and go over the differences between karate and taekwondo to guide you to make your own decision on which is better for you!

The Difference Between Taekwondo vs Karate, is Taekwondo Better Than Karate

Taekwondo vs KarateThe most basic difference in taekwondo vs karate is between your hands and your feet- punching vs kicking. Think of the shuto uchi, or the famous “karate chop” you’ve seen in every ninja movie – karate uses hand techniques primarily, and then kicking is more of an occasional thing. Taekwondo is the exact opposite- it puts an emphasis on kicking and uses hand techniques as the backup. Taekwondo has more variety in the moves you can learn, including spinning and jumping kicks.

is taekwondo better than karate is a common question that people ask when they are trying to decide which martial art to learn.

-taekwondo places more emphasis on kicks than punches, while karate focuses equally on both. If you prefer a martial art that is heavy on kicking, taekwondo may be the better choice.
-karate is generally considered to be more aggressive than taekwondo. If you are looking for a martial art that is less about self-defense and more about competition, karate may be the right choice.
-taekwondo requires more training in order to master the techniques. If you are short on time or patience, karate may be a better option.

Origins of Taekwondo and Karate

Taekwondo and Karate in CarrolltonWhen you’re thinking about which one you want to study, it can be helpful to consider the origin. Karate started later but modern culture made it pretty famous, while taekwondo has been practiced for thousands of years.

You may be wondering if karate and taekwondo are similar. The answer is no, they are not the same. Karate is a Japanese martial art while taekwondo is a Korean martial art. They do share some similarities, but there are also some key differences. For example, karate uses mainly punching and kicking techniques while taekwondo emphasizes kicking techniques. Karate is also generally considered to be more defensive while taekwondo is more offensive. So, they are not the same, both karate and taekwondo can be great martial arts to learn. Karate, made most popular by Mr. Miayagi in The Karate Kid, started in Japan. It started around 500 years ago too, legend has it, stop the use of weapons on the island of Okinawa so that the king could prevent war. Japanese warriors started protecting themselves with their hands instead of weapons, and karate was born- hand-to-hand fighting. Taekwondo goes back even further to 50 B.CE. in Korea. It’s all in the name- tae means kick, kwon means to punch, and do means, well, doing things. So taekwondo literally means practicing self-defense with your entire body – it’s known as the art of the foot and hand. Fun fact, when Japan took over Korea in the 1900s, the Japanese actually declared taekwondo totally illegal. Japanese rebels practiced the martial arts form in secret, and they’re the ones that kept taekwondo alive to this day.

Different Techniques Used

Different Martial Arts TechniquesSo what is the difference between karate and taekwondo? It’s the difference between the two sides of your body—hands, hands and arms, legs, or feet. Karate means “empty hands,” a nod to the fact that it’s a martial arts form relying heavily on the use of your hands without any weapons. There’s a greater focus on mental strength and stamina because one of your only forms of protection in a karate fight is your mind. You’ll learn lots of hand techniques and combinations while keeping kicks on deck as the last resort. Despite their similar names, is taekwondo the same as karate? Taekwondo and karate are actually two very different martial arts. Karate is a striking art that originated in Okinawa, Japan, while Taekwondo is a kicking art that originated in Korea. As a result, the two styles have different techniques and philosophies.

Karate is a good fit for when you’re close to an opponent and need that hand-to-hand combat advantage. On the other hand, taekwondo focuses on the legs, chiefly because the leg is the strongest weapon. Kicks in taekwondo are very powerful for striking your opponent. Students in taekwondo classes learn spin kicks and a number of different kicking combinations while using hand techniques when necessary. Taekwondo has more effectiveness at a distance because you can leverage the length of your legs against your opponent.

Competing in Taekwondo and Karate: Are Karate and Taekwondo Similar?

Martial Arts Classes in Carrollton

Both karate and taekwondo are not only practical and effective martial arts forms, but also provide opportunities for competition and advancement that encourage serious growth in their students. They both require serious mental and physical strength and stamina just like other martial arts classes, which is why so many in Carrollton enjoy the rewards of hard work paying off at belt ranking and in competition. There is a difference between taekwondo and karate competition rules. Karate competition rules are a bit more complex, while taekwondo rules are straightforward. A karate student can strike to the head, neck, face, chest, side, abdomen, and back. The karate judges have a list of criteria that need to be followed in order for the match to be considered a win, like good form, accurate distance, and good timing. Taekwondo, however, is a bit more straightforward. In a taekwondo competition, a student gets 3 points for a kick to the head, 2 points for a spinning kick to the opponent’s torso, and one point for a basic attack on their torso.

Karate and Taekwondo similar sports, but they have some important differences. Karate is a Japanese martial art that emphasizes striking techniques, such as punches, kicks, and blocks. Taekwondo, on the other hand, is a Korean martial art that emphasizes kicking techniques. Both Karate and Taekwondo include punches and kicks in their repertoire, but the focus is different. Karate practitioners also make use of throws and joint locks, while Taekwondo practitioners make use of sweeps and take-downs. In terms of competition, Karate tournaments typically involve point-sparring, while Taekwondo tournaments typically involve full-contact sparring. As you can see, there are some important differences between Karate and Taekwondo.


So honestly, both of these martial arts styles will transform your body and get you fit fast. They’ll both teach you self-defense skills that you can use to defend yourself against an attacker. And they’ll both push you to achieve your goals and accomplish things you never thought you could do. So which is better, karate or taekwondo? Honestly, the best one for self-defense is the one YOU take the initiative to do. Doing nothing will result in nothing! So come and try martial arts with our Integrity Martial Arts staff here in Carrollton for yourself- you’ll LOVE it!



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